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Let us introduce ourselves
Siapa sih yang tidak kenal cemilan khas Indonesia yang satu ini? Makanan yang tidak asing dan mungkin sering kita cari atau kita buat sendiri.
Pastel secara umum berisi kentang dan wortel saja, kini Pasteliciouz menghadirkan 9 varian unik dari pastel itu sendiri.
Pastelnya yang “kaya isi” bikin ketagihan sangat pas dicocol dengan sambal yang lembut namun bercita rasa kuat, dan banyaknya pilihan rasa yang bisa kamu nikmati di setiap harinya.
Sangat cocok untuk dinikmati dalam acara formal dan non-formal. Apalagi saat berkumpul dengan keluarga, Pasteliciouz pas disaat yang pas.
Dengan menyisipkan bahan bahan berkualitas premium, cemilan yang satu ini sangat cocok untuk semua penikmat kuliner, mulai dari anak anak hingga orang tua.
Makin penasaran akan kenikmatan pastel dari Pasteliciouz?? Buruan cobain yuk sekarang! ^^
Berawal dari kecintaan akan kuliner, Pasteliciouz hadir untuk memperkenalkan kuliner tradisional Indonesia yang dimodifikasi dengan selera modern ini. Menghadirkan 9 macam pastel yang sangat unik, yaitu: Original, Cheese, Smoked beef, Mashed Potato, Chicken Teriyaki, Wagyu, Tuna, Salted Egg, dan Crab.
Sejak tahun 2012, dan kini Pasteliciouz mengembangkan sayap dengan membuka outlet di Jakarta dan Makassar. Menyajikan Kroket, Risoles, Zuppa Soup, Fresh Orange Juice dan Chocolate Pudding Lava untuk para penikmat kuliner. Selain itu kami melayani pesan antar ke rumah ataupun kantor di seluruh Jakarta, Tangerang, Depok dan juga Bandung.
Nikmati saat senggangmu dengan orang terdekat di Outlet Pasteliciouz di kotamu!
Croquette (Kroket) is one of many Indonesian snacks. It made from mashed potatoes combined with the filling of Wagyu beef, vegetables and egg. One bite, and feel the delicacies flow through your fantasy~ Enjoy! ^0^
This variant is one of our best seller items as filled with high quality smoked beef combined with fresh vegetables such as carrot, beans, potato, vermicelli, and salted egg.
Pasteliciouz presents best-seller pastel: Smoked beef Pastel. This one is the most famous pastel. The taste of smoked-beef makes you want more and more. One is never enough! ^0^
The pastel very suitable for the meat lovers as filled with Wagyu Beef combines with our special ingredients. You must try it or you will regret it. Bon Appetite!
This is the first variant from Pasteliciouz. Combines vegetables; like green peas, potato, carrot, vermicelli and also eggs. For vegans, this is special for you 🙂
Hi Chiz Lovers, we present pastel with special variant for you who love cheese. It combines original filling with cheese. Experience cheese sensation in every bite!
The latest variant of our unique pastel. Brings you the Chicken delicacies, mixed with green peas and other vegies and also egg! Bravo.
Siomay (also Somai), is an Indonesian steamed fish dumpling with vegetables served in peanut sauce. It is derived from Chinese Shumai. It is considered a light meal that is a type of Chinese Dim Sum, but is cone shaped.
A muffin is an individually portioned baked product, however the term can refer to one of two distinct items: a part-raised flatbread that is baked and then cooked on a griddle, or an quickbread that is chemically leavened and then baked in a mold. While quickbread “American” muffins are often sweetened, there are savory varieties made with ingredients such as corn and cheese, and less sweet varieties like traditional bran muffins.
A pure baby orange that served freshly directly for you. Come and enjoy our healthy drink…
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